Create a flow debugger instance, attach it to the default execution group, and then start the Flow Debugger. 创建一个流调试器实例,将其附加到默认执行组上,随后启动流调试器。
You will see your file listed in the default group on the files tabbed page. 您会看到文件被列出在file选项卡页面中的默认组中。
By default the All events event group is created during the CBI installation. 默认情况下,Allevents事件组在CBI安装过程中创建。
Make sure you are viewing files in the default content group. 确保正在默认内容组下查看文件。
You can use the default group, or you can have a user-defined group to which all your server connections belong. 可以使用默认组,也可以使用一个用户定义的组,您的所有服务器连接都属于这个组。
Locate your file in the default content group. 在默认内容组中定位文件。
You learned about the default user and group accounts required and/ or created for a DB2 UDB installation and how they could be configured. 还介绍了DB2UDB安装需要和/或创建的默认用户和组帐户,以及如何配置它们。
Some systems, such as Red Hat or Fedora systems, default to providing a separate group for each user. 某些系统,例如RedHat或Fedora系统,在默认情况下为每个用户提供单独的组。
Typically and by default, the group owner of a file that you create is your primary group, but you can subsequently change the group owner to any of the groups that you belong to. 在通常情况以及缺省情况下,您所创建的文件的组所有者为您的主要组,但是您可以将组所有者更改为您所属的任何组。
In fact, many distributions default to creating a matching group for each new user. 事实上,很多版本默认为每个新用户创建一个匹配的组。
The default user account created for the fenced user is db2fenc1 and the default group is db2fadm1. 为fenced用户创建的默认用户帐户是db2fenc1,默认的组是db2fadm1。
The default status of service group is healthy which means no issues with any service in this group. 如果服务组的默认状态是健康的,那么意味着该组中的所有服务都没有出现问题。
A Subject can also be used as a default source for group and identity information. 还可以将Subject用作组和标识信息的缺省源。
This is true in general, but you can also target different trace levels for different optimized local adapter registrations, including setting a default for the entire daemon group. 虽然这在一般情况下是对的,但是您也可以为不同优化的本地适配器注册定位不同跟踪等级,包括为整个程序组设置默认值。
The default value for entity type group is objectclass groupOfNames. 实体类型组的缺省值是对象类groupOfNames。
Selects the default execution group in the navigator tree showing the flows 在显示消息流的导航树中选择默认执行组
If only a colon is given, then the user's default group is used. 如果只有给出冒号,那么就使用用户的默认组。
This automatically makes them a member of the "default Server Group". 这将自动使它们成为“默认ServerGroup”的一个成员。
By default, the group is not updated in this case; if you specify GROUP_UPDATE, the group is updated to exactly match the new name. 默认情况下,不会更新组;如果指定GROUPUPDATE,则需要更新组,使之完全与新名称匹配。
The default user ID used for the DB2 UDB instance owner during a DB2 UDB installation is db2inst1, and the default group is db2iadm1. 在DB2UDB安装过程中,DB2UDB实例所有者使用的默认用户ID是db2inst1,默认组是db2iadm1。
You'll simply use a default actor group named Initiator, already defined in Bonita. 您可以简单地使用已经在Bonita中定义,名为Initiator的默认人员组。
By default, the Event Group profile has an event selector string with the value CommonBaseEvent [ true()]. 默认情况下,EventGroup配置文件有一个事件选择器字符串,其值为CommonBaseEvent[true()]。
Ownership is based on the default user and group IDs of the person who created a file. 所有权以内定用户和创造了一个文件的人的组身份证为基础。
By default this group contains the service account supplied during installation. 默认情况下,本组包含安装过程中提供的服务帐户。
If no validation group is specified, the default group, which consists of all validators without an explicit group assignment, is validated. 如果未指定验证组,则会验证默认组,默认组由所有没有显式分配组的验证程序组成。
Can not change the name of the default file group, drop the default file group, or set it to readonly. 不能更改默认文件组的名称、除去默认文件组或将它设置为readonly。
These were not soothed by the decision to pay off all Goldman's credit default swaps with American International Group, now controlled by the state. 这一点没有因为高盛决定付清它与美国国际集团(AIG)之间的全部信用违约互换而得到缓解。美国国际集团目前由政府管制。
Identifies which button is checked by default in the radio button group. 标识默认情况下单选按钮组中被选中的按钮。
The password policies for an Active Directory domain are initially configured in the Default Domain Policy Group Policy Object ( GPO). ActiveDirectory域的初始密码策略是在默认域策略组策略对象(GPO)中配置的。
By default, the group is assigned the name of the settings class. 默认情况下,会将设置类的名称分配给该组。